Chyme was quite the little flirt! He was full of smiles and giggles for me. I was just melting over the cuteness!
Would you like to capture your sweet baby’s first year? I offer milestone sessions as well as first birthday cake smash photo sessions. To reach me to book your baby’s session, please e-mail me at or reach me via the ‘contact’ tab on this website.
Oh what a cutie! Great pics!
Great gallery! So many wonderful pictures of a toddler and thats not easy.
Such an incredibly cute boy 🙂 lovely photoshoot!
Oh my what a cutie. Such a perfect cake smash session. I love all the backdrops and colors you used.
I LOVE how vibrant these are! He has sooo much hair. So cute!
What a handsome little fellow. This is a beautiful collection of pictures that tell his story as a one year old! Love those wooden ONE letters.
This little dude is super cute! What great smiles and inquisitive eyes.
such cuteness captured!