
adelaide leona | edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

I met sweet Adelaide when she was only 4 hours old. We had such great timing for this session, I got to capture the real first moments with Adelaide and her big sister Abigail! It was the sweetest moment, at first she wasn’t so sure but then almost immediately all she kept saying was “baby”!

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographer

edmonton fresh 48 photographerAre you looking for an edmonton fresh 48 photographer? I would love to capture such a special moment in your life. Please contact me at or use the “contact” tab on the top of this page to discuss the details!

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  • Gonzalo VerdejaSeptember 28, 2015 - 7:44 am

    Great pictures and welcome to this adventure Adelaide!!!ReplyCancel

  • NikitaSeptember 28, 2015 - 8:33 am

    Gorgeous photos!ReplyCancel

  • Van TabbertSeptember 28, 2015 - 9:14 am

    Beautiful! What a proud big sister!ReplyCancel

  • IreneSeptember 28, 2015 - 11:49 am

    Beautiful hospital photos. I loved how you captured these precious organic moments and all the emotions surrounding this special moment.ReplyCancel

  • VickySeptember 28, 2015 - 2:52 pm

    Wish I had moments like this captured, precious memoriesReplyCancel

  • AngieSeptember 28, 2015 - 4:09 pm

    Such a precious moment to capture! Beautiful jobReplyCancel

  • AliciaSeptember 29, 2015 - 10:12 am

    Awww…what a sweet Fresh 48! I love how you captured the first moments of big sister with her new baby! Lovely work.ReplyCancel